New Horizons

So if you’ve been following this blog lately, you may have noticed I’ve been quite MIA.  The good news is that I am still writing – just not over here on Lazerchicken.  It’s been a lot of fun writing this blog but I’ve been offered a larger platform to write for over at and I’m really excited to share it with all of you.  I will still be writing about Lazer Chickens on PVP-Live, but it won’t be the only thing I’m writing about.  Now I’ll have blogs on alts, different parts of gameplay, and really anything that fits my fancy.  It’s a really great site and we’re getting a lot of attention from Blizzard so it’s an exciting time. 

Thanks to all of my readers, you’ve made the site worth maintaining up until now.  Hopefully many of you will join us over at and continue to interact about the future of Moonkin (I have a new post going up in a few days with my thoughts about Moonkin overall).  I appreciate all of the emails of support I’ve received and hopefully we can continue to flourish as a community on the new site.

As always, keep your lazers hot and primed!

Lazerchicken out.

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